Domain Administration Policy

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Domain Administration Policy
This policy describes how we manage the .ck domain.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a name you can use to your unique presence on the internet.
What is .ck?
.ck is the Country Code Top Level Domain that Vodafone manages. We register domain names that end in .ck. If you want to identify yourself or your business using .ck this policy applies. Vodafone is the only person authorised worldwide to register domain names ending in .ck.
How do I choose a .ck domain name?
STEP 1. Every domain has a second level. There are 6 second level domains available to the public to choose from. There is no criteria in order to use any of the second level domains. However, each second level domain broadly describes a community of common interest. You should select the second level domain that best matches what you want to use your domain name for.
.co - Organisations pursuing commercial aims and purposes
.biz - Organisations pursuing commercial aims and purposes
.edu - Education institutions and related organisations
.org - Not-for-profit organisations and interests
.net - Organisations and service providers with purposes related to the Cook Islands internet
.gen - Individuals and organisations not covered elsewhere
There is a 7th second domain level,, which is reserved for the Government of the Cook Islands.
STEP 2. Once you have decided on a second level domain, you will need to choose a third level domain name. This is the specific name that you want to be identified with. The following criteria applies to third level domain name approval:
It can only consist of lowercase alphabetical or numeric characters and the dash hyphen “-”
The maximum length is 63 characters
Two letter country codes are not permitted
Names considered offensive may be declined.
We may also apply other international internet standards to determine whether your chosen third level domain name is appropriate and will be approved. For example, we refer to the New Zealand RFCs 1034, 2181,5890 and 5891.
An additional third level domain name can be used as follows (identified in red):
How can I know if my chosen domain name is available?
Contact us by calling 123 or emailing and we will let you know.
How do I register a .ck domain name?
To register a .ck domain name:
Contact us on 123
Email us on for an application form
Come in and see us at any one of our outlets in the Cook Islands
Download an application form
Information to provide with your application for domain name\
Proof of identity, or in the case of a business your corporate documents. If you are an individual you must be at least 18 years of age
Your contact details
At least 2 name servers
Contact details for your domain administrator and technical support
Once I submit my application, what happens next?
We will consider your application and advise within 5 working days if it is approved or we require additional information to consider your application. If your chosen name is not available or not allowed, we will ask you to provide an alternative name for consideration.
If your application is approved we will release your domain name. Approval and release of a domain name is a licence to use the domain name subject to our terms and conditions and policies.
Our charges
The annual licence fee you must pay to use your .ck domain name is NZD35.00 (Residents of Cook Islands) or USD150.00 (Non-residents).
Can we deactivate your domain name?
Yes. We will deactivate your domain name if:
We are satisfied that it is being used for illegal purposes
You no longer have at least 2 operable name servers
You have breached our terms and conditions or policies. For example non-payment of the annual licence fee.
You request that we deactivate the name.
See our privacy policy
What else should I know about?
The legal holder of the licence to use a .ck domain name is the person named as the customer on our application form. This is the only person who is authorised to terminate, deactivate or assign the domain name.
We do not look into who has the legal right to use any part of the domain name that we give you. That is your responsibility. If a third party notifies us that they have the legal right we will contact you for a response. If we are satisfied, in our sole discretion, that the third party’s rights are established, we will terminate your licence.