Fair Use Policy

500MB Add-on
This addon gives you an extra 500MB of DATA to use until the end of this month. Excess rate charges are applicable when exceeding either your CAP or Data Addon.
Fair Use Policy
It is important to Vodafone that our customers are able to access our services. Access to services may be affected by congestion on our network. For these reasons, and to ensure the provision of a quality service, a Fair Use Policy applies to our services as follows:
Where your usage is excessive and/or unreasonable
You must use our services fairly and in a manner which does not cause congestion or disruption to our network.
You agree to use our services in a way that isn’t overly excessive or unreasonable.
If your usage of our Services materially exceeds estimated use patterns over any month, or is inconsistent with normal usage patterns, then your usage will be excessive and/or unreasonable.
If you are reselling our services your usage will be unreasonable.
If you are using our Services other than what they are intended for your usage will be unreasonable. For example, you purchase a residential landline service and use it for a telephone based marketing business or call center.
If your usage is excessive and/or unreasonable we may contact you to advise you that your usage is in breach of our Fair Use Policy.
We may then request that you stop or alter your usage to come within our Fair Use Policy.
If your excessive or unreasonable usage continues after receipt of a request to stop or alter the nature of such usage, we may without further notice, apply charges to your account for the excessive and/or unreasonable element of your usage; suspend, modify or restrict your use of the Services or terminate your access to the Services.
Where there is traffic congestion on our network
We may prioritise and allocate bandwidth for some customers over others. For example, customers that are guaranteed a minimum download or upload speed.
We may prioritise Government, disaster management and emergency services traffic.