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Personal > Landline > Residential
Eligibility for the VEU Plan
To be eligible for the VEU plan, the applicant must meet at least one of the following requirements:

Someone who receives the Destitute Benefit
Someone who receives the Infirm Benefit
Someone certified with a serious medical condition and access to one or more of our services is necessary for their care or treatment
The special support we provide those eligible for VEU includes:
Waived Installation Fees for new applications of fixed landline and/or broadband services
A discounted Landline rental plan of $6.66 per month
Priority fault response for any service needed for medical dependency
No suspension or disconnection of landline service needed for medical dependency

If you are eligible, please fill in this application form.
Why should I choose to sign up to Prepay Broadband?This is a great way to manage your usage and pay as you go.
Where can I purchase prepay vouchers?You can purchase prepay vouchers from any Vodafone outlet or reseller in the Cook Islands?
Where can I use my prepay vouchers?You can access internet via at any Vodafone WiFi hotspot in the Cook Islands. There are over 200 hotspots on Rarotonga and in the Outer Islands?
How do I access internet using my prepay voucher?1. You'll need a WiFi enabled device 2. You'll need to purchase a Vodafone WiFi hotspot voucher 3. Ensure you are in the proximity of any Vodafone WiFi hotspot 4. Connect to and log in using the username and password details on the voucher 5. Following the previous step you should be surfing in no time!
How do I check my usage?To view you account usage statistics login to and select “My usage Statistics”.
I get prompted with a "Change my access code" message, what does this mean?"This is a security precaution to avoid another user from gaining access to your internet session. You should type in a new code that’s at least six characters long and made up of both numbers and letters.
How much data do I need?Your data usage is decided by two factors – the number of devices in your home and the type of content that will be consumed. If you have multiple devices, you will need higher data to ensure each device has enough, especially if each device is being used to stream audio or video. Even if you have fewer devices, but stream a lot of high definition video or music, it would be better to pick a prepay voucher with higher data limits. If you want to get a more detailed breakup of how much data you’ll need per month, check out this handy data calculator from Chorus -